Knoxville Vegan Supper Club
Have you ever heard of hydrotherapy? While hydrotherapy may sound like a foreign and obscure practice, many commonly used household treatments are founded on hydrotherapy principles. Come learn more about it from Dr. Gene Runne.
We'll eat a healthy, plant-based dinner, see live cooking demonstrations, and hear a presentation from Dr. Eugene Runne. There is no fee but a suggested $10 per person donation will be accepted on site.
Dr. Eugene Runne is a Chiropractic Physician. He is a Pain and Movement Specialist, treating muscles and joints, enhancing circulation. Dr. Runne graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1986 and began practicing in Maryville in 1987. He runs the Pain and Health Solutions Chiropractic Office in Maryville and is a member of the Tennessee Chiropractic Association and the Tennessee Valley Chiropractic Association
Previously, he and his wife, Imara, had been in Guatemala, Central America for five years at a school for missionaries which included natural therapies as a vital part of the curriculum so that the students could intelligently use simple means to help local people with their health. They each have over thirty years of experience with Christian alternative therapies.
Knoxville, TN 37919 - USA
Sunday, February 16 at 5:00 PM
Attending: 3